Order unique mixed media artwork stylized on the base of your photo.

How will it work?

Buying this product you will receive a mail inviting you to send one or few your photos or photos of any other person – your friends, spouse etc

I’m printing it out

Then I’m making a little miracle – stylizing it in a unique authors technique

In a week sending you back a completed ~A4 format artwork ready to be framed on your wall or to be given as a present to your friend


Accidental Art

All art processes include tests, tryouts etc. Sometimes during these “I’m just pouring some paint on surface” really interesting pieces are born. I can’t throw them away, I like them very much and I bring all of them to the finished state. I won’t charge a lot for these pieces, cause in the end it’s all Accidental Art. So if you want, you can start your art consumer journey from these pieces – not very expensive, not very big, just something that lets you touch a bit of my art and a bit of your inner self. 

Find more accidental art here

My Art is

Over emotional


Soooo touching

All about me and you

Not just a postcard

Every postcard is unique and can’t be redone.
It is really personal, cause this unconscious sketching is like a bridge between inner me and reality.
Postcards are lovely, funny, meaningful and freaky at the same time.
It can stand as a gift itself!

Find all of them here